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How to Cross Out Text in Discord

Discord is the chat platform that provides online chatting by almost anyone, especially for gamers and social groups. It is one of the World’s leading organizations that offer text or voice chat with communities of people. On Discord, channel owners have their own rules, various bots, and followers communities. But did you know that you could also cross out text in Discord?

However, it may take time to learn some details on the Discord platform, as Discord offers various features and commands. Sometimes we want to add a little different style to your daily correspondence on Discord. For some, style is a vital process to highlight something so familiar and, in some cases, show it in cross out text in Discord. Here are some simple and easy formatting tricks that will help you make your messages stand out.

Main Discord Text Formatting

You can undoubtedly apply italic, bold, underline, or cross out to Discord posts utilizing Markdown syntax. You can also use these formatting options to send messages in various styles, anything but strikethrough formatting if you like.

These formatting alternatives apply to messages you send to the Discord network. Formatting options are also supported for Windows 10 and Mac apps and iPhone, iPad, and Android devices.

Using Markdown Text to cross out text

Using Markdown Text

Discord uses the “Markdown Text” format system to specify the format within a text string that converts special formatting codes into HTML for rendering in a browser. It allows users to write standard text, in addition to formatting codes (which are not complicated or lengthy), producing a wide variety of visual effects with minimal effort for the person writing the message. Markdown is written in Perl, a prevalent online chat language. The primary purpose of ​​Markdown is that it is easier to use than HTML code while producing without having to deal and the same visual effects with closing and opening tags.

There are several Markdown options and highlights of the basic things you can do with this handy text tool. The basic principle behind all these formatting codes is simple: put a unique character or characters after and before the text you want to transform. Putting it before activates the effect, and putting it later turns the development off. You type the codes directly into Discord’s chat window, and the result that everyone else sees in the chat window is the changed text.

Chat Format Crossed Out With Discord

Chat Format Crossed Out With Discord

Strikethrough text can be used to strike out text. You can do this to highlight part of a post that you deleted without actually deleting the post. To add strikethrough text in Discord, use two tildes (~~) at both ends of your post.

For example, “~~ This message has formatting strikethrough applied ~~” will appear as “This message has formatting strikethrough applied.”


There is a little trick to setting up message fonts. Try to enter text in the appropriate field without special characters, and then with the LMB held down, select it with the mouse and move the cursor to the center of the inscription, releasing the LMB. This will display the text editing mode with five buttons.

Now That You Can Cross Out Text…

Anyone can use Disord without much effort since it offers voice chat and text chat. If you are trying to cross out text in Discord, remember that the commands are useful, and you do not need a particular type of device. Discord uses the “Markdown Text” format system, including text string for formatting codes into HTML. Just by putting a character before and after the text, you have completed the task. If you feel like stepping up the game after you cross out text in Discord and challenge yourself in a different area try reading: How to Connect Twitch to Discord.

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Frequently Asked Questions About

On Discord, channel owners have their own rules, various bots, and followers communities.

You can undoubtedly apply italic, bold, underline, or cross out to Discord posts utilizing Markdown syntax.

Formatting options are also supported for Windows 10 and Mac apps and iPhone, iPad, and Android devices.

Markdown is written in Perl, a prevalent online chat language.

The basic principle behind all these formatting codes is simple: put a unique character or characters after and before the text you want to transform.

Frank Hale

Posts: 109

I'm a 27-year-old writer for InstaFollowers. I've been writing content for the digital marketing industry for 5 years. I love my job and will share my knowledge in social media and marketing field.

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  1. R. Angie
    R. Angie

    My cousin showed me how to cross out text in Discord. Now I can show other people how to do it as well.