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How to Poke on Facebook

When we talk about Facebook, one of the first things that come to your mind is probably a ‘Facebook Poke.’ If you poke someone on Facebook, the person will see a notification saying ‘-your account name- poked you’ on their chat windows.

If you want to learn how to poke someone on Facebook, we will explain every detail about poking someone on Facebook on this article.

What Is Poking People on Facebook?

Before you poke your friend or someone else, you need to know its meaning. Suppose you’ve been flirting with your friend, and the person poked you one night. What do you need to understand? Yes, you’re right! He/She likes you too.

What Happens When You Poke Someone on Facebook?

 When you poke someone;

  1.  The user you’ve poked will see a notification saying, ‘-your account name- poked you.’
  2. The user you’ve poked will have three options; he/she may poke you back, dismiss, or ignore it.
  3. Remember, every poke on Facebook can be viewed by you and your friend you’ve poked; no one else can see it.

If you need more friends to poke, you can buy Facebook followers.

How to Poke Someone on Facebook on Desktop

If you want to poke your friend on your desktop, just follow these steps;

how to poke someone on facebook on desktop
  • Go to
  • Log in to your account with your email address/phone number and password.
  • You will see the ‘Poke’ button from the menu that comes up. A notification will be sent to your friend when you click the option. Your friend will be able to poke you back or remove it.
  • Besides, you can use the ‘Poke’ page to poke your friends back. You can also poke many people in one go.

How to Poke Someone on Facebook on Mobile (Both iPhone and Android)

If you want to poke your friend with your mobile app, here are the steps;

how to pock someone on facebook on mobile
  • Open the Facebook application or go to ‘’
  • Log in to your account with your email address/phone number and password.
  • Go to the search bar on Facebook and search the “poke” word.
  • Tap on the “Pokes” button.
  • Search someone to poke or just choose.
  • Tap on “Poke” button.

If you can’t use your application, try the Facebook desktop version on mobile.

Poking on Facebook In Short

Poke on Facebook is a way to attract your friends or acquaintances’ attention. When you do this, a Poke notification will be sen to them. However, it can have more than one meaning. For example, you can encourage them to send a message to you. On the other side, some people may be angry because of it. When you wish to quickly reach the poke page on both your mobile device and desktop, go to ‘’

Frequently Asked Questions About

No, if you would like to poke users, they need to be your friends on the platform; if they are not, there won’t be any option to poke them.

When you want to understand who has poked you, Facebook offers a great service to view all of your pokes in one go. You need to find the ‘Pokes’ page. If you wish to view the page quickly, go to the ‘’ page; you can quickly see both who you have poked and who has poked you. The page also shows how many times you have been poked your friend if you have poked him/her more than one.

Yes, but you shouldn’t because it may start poke wars. Besides, if you poke someone on Facebook a lot, he/she will feel uncomfortable about the situation and be bored of you. Therefore, restrain yourself!

Yes, but you shouldn’t because it may start poke wars. Besides, if you poke someone on Facebook a lot, he/she will feel uncomfortable about the situation and be bored of you. Therefore, restrain yourself!

Yes, if he/she is on your Facebook Friends list. However, you shouldn’t poke everyone in the list because it is not a good idea. Suppose there is someone you don’t know good, and you are friends on the platform, but you haven’t talked a lot. The person’s poked you, so what will you feel about it? It is the same thing.

James Orublig

Posts: 391

Hi, my name is James but my friend calls me JamesTheNews since I always have the latest news about social media. Follow my blogs to learn every bit of trickery there is to social media.

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  1. Ray Saunders
    Ray Saunders

    Despite being annoying, poking someone on Facebook is really fun. I usually do it my close friends.