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How to Start a Conversation on Tinder

Tinder is one of the best location-based mobile social search apps that allows communication between interested and matched users. With this application, you can meet and chat with multiple people. To use this application, you need to know how to start a conversation on Tinder, how to send photos, and what your first message should be.

How Does Tinder Work

Tinder brings you individual profiles, taking into account some of the search criteria you can change. If you throw the profile to the right, you indicate that you like this person (Like), if you to the left, it means that you have passed this profile (Nope). If there is no match, you cannot chat with each other because chat cannot be provided. In the meantime, you are only informed about the matches; you will not receive a warning if rejected. However, if the person you “like” likes you back, you are matching. The system allows only matching people to message. After that, it’s up to you.

how does Tinder work

Location on Tinder

Moreover, let’s also say this. The most important feature of the application is its location-based operation. Starting from your location, you can choose a specific mileage range. You will see profiles of people within this mile range.

How to Send Message on Tinder

Talking through the application is also simple. No details are shared, and you can only send text messages. In this way, you do not encounter unexpected harassing photos or internet links. Tinder shows when you were last active, but not when you are online. If you think about your patient struggle when the person you like doesn’t talk to you online on WhatsApp, it’s sure to offer some relief.

As with any dating application, you must start messaging by matching. Tinder’s messaging system works just like Whatsapp and Facebook Messenger, which is the same as most messaging apps. After you send your message, the other person receives a notification. This person can respond when he/she is active and online.

start a conversation on Tinder

Steps for Messaging

  1. Open Tinder on your mobile phone.
  2. Tap to the speech bubble at the top right.
  3. You will see a list, select a match from there.
  4. To open the message window, select Message at the bottom left.
  5. Write your first message to the person and send it.

If you want to do further research about the app’s features, you can check Tinder’s official support page.

How to Start a Conversation With a Guy or Girl on Tinder

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Now you have to make the right moves to initiate a conversation and keep chatting until you meet with this person. The perfect first message to a girl or guy doesn’t exist, because the preferences and opinions of the people are different. Even so, we will give you some tips for the first Tinder message, good Tinder questions, and conversation starters.

Steps to Start

  • First of all, be yourself, be comfortable, and enjoy the Tinder.
  • The most important advice is: The first goal of your first message should be to start a conversation on Tinder that is genuine.
  • Regardless of your purpose in Tinder, we think it is useful to be in a friendly way first. This way, you will have a better chance of success.
  • Sticking to the word ‘’hello’’ doesn’t help. A humorous introduction is always better, but this doesn’t mean that the other side will unmatch you just because you wrote ‘’hello’’ or ‘’hi’’, the important thing is that the questions you will ask later must be interesting questions.

Be Creative

  • Hold on to yourself, even if it comes to giving you an immediate compliment because you like that person’s appearance. Beyond liking their photos, people want to feel that you have an interest in them.
  • Bringing a topic through a person’s profile photo or something written in a person’s biography will attract the attention of the other person and will help to keep the conversation.
  • If you think you both have common interests or traits, try to talk about them.
  • See the things in the background and ask interesting questions. Pay attention to where the photo was taken and the background of the person’s photos. Asking this kind of question will attract the attention of the person.
  • Ask ‘’Why?’’. This question always works and allows the other person to introduce himself/herself without limits.
  • The photos always have a message. When he/she puts a photograph of a running moment, walking his/her dog or surfing, he/she wants to find someone who matches his/her interests and personality. Start the conversation according to that.
  • Don’t wait for someone to message you. Make the first move.
  • Lastly, please keep things positive and respectful.
send photo on Tinder

How to Be Successful on Tinder

  1. Be active. However, don’t be active like crazy. This reduces your success. Enter Tinder a lot but, like it a little and jump slowly between profiles.
  2. A small number of profile evaluations per entry will result in better results, than entering the application several times a week and liking hundreds of profiles each time.

Use Features Effectively

  1. Use Super Like. This will put you at the top of the queue.
  2. Use Tinder Boost. One of the reasons why men are not thrown to the right on Tinder is that due to a large number of men who like attractive women, the majority of men cannot even be displayed for women to throw left or right. The list is long. If you use Boost regularly for a while, your chances of matching will increase even if you do not use Boost later, as your number of matches and therefore your attraction coefficient will increase.

Note: Read our How to Get More Matches on Tinder article if you want to learn more tips.

Frequently Asked Questions About

If you are wondering how to send pictures on Tinder, you are not alone. Some time ago, the ability to send a photo via chat has been removed. That limits our options with matches, but that’s okay. Not the same thing of course but, you can send gifs if you want. Thus, you have some similar options; for example, you can connect your Instagram account to your Tinder profile.

Yes, if you want to skip someone on Tinder when you come across him/her just close the application. When you reopen the app, the person you skipped will be brought again but you cannot know when. Definitely not immediately.

James Orublig

Posts: 391

Hi, my name is James but my friend calls me JamesTheNews since I always have the latest news about social media. Follow my blogs to learn every bit of trickery there is to social media.

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  1. Emerson Sanders
    Emerson Sanders

    I wish I had the courage to start a conversation on Tinder. Nobody really wants to help me out except you. Thanks a bunch.