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How to Go Live on Twitter (X) ? (Full Guide)

Like Facebook Live or Instagram Live, Twitter allows going live as well. Although this feature has been available since 2016, many users are unaware of its existence or haven’t looked into it just yet. Either using it for broadcasting breaking news or live events, sharing live videos on Twitter is a great way to show what is happening worldwide. Also, Twitter Livestream can be super interactive. Your followers can engage with the content in real-time, even joining live through audio. If you want to create live videos, here are the steps for going live on Twitter.

How to Create Live Videos on Twitter (X)

You can easily create live videos and share them directly from the Twitter App on your mobile phone. Follow these steps to broadcast live on Twitter.

  • Open the Twitter application on your mobile phone or tablet.
  • Tap on the camera icon from the composer. Here you can browse the photos in your library, take a photo or live stream. 
  • Tap the “Live” button at the bottom of the screen.
  • If you want to go live with just audio, tap the microphone icon on the screen’s top right. This will turn off the camera so that your viewer can only hear your voice.
how to create live videos on twitter
  • You can add a description to your live stream, appearing as a tweet. Add relevant keywords, hashtags, and mentions to the tweet to make it reach a wider audience. You can use popular hashtags on Twitter. Also, add a location so that your local community can get involved.
  • Invite people to join in the live stream. Tap “Invite Guests,” then tap the profile icon of the people you want to participate in the live stream to send invitations. Tap “Save” to save the changes you have made. Remember that you can only have up to three guests at a time in a Twitter live stream. 
  • Tap “Go Live” when you are ready. Your live broadcast will appear in your follower’s timelines and on your profile with the description and location.
  • When you go live, you will see the “You are now Live” icon at the bottom of your screen. 
go live on twitter

How to Allow Viewers to Join Your Live Broadcast

Not only can you invite guests to your live broadcast before you go live, but you can also accept viewers’ requests to join in the broadcast during the live stream. Guests can participate by audio and be heard by all viewers. Here is how you can allow viewers to request to join your broadcast:

  1. After tapping the “Live” button, tap the icon with the two smileys on the upper right. This will allow live viewers to request to join in the broadcast.
  2. Tap “Go Live.”
  3. A notification will arrive when a viewer requests to join in the live streams. You can also see all the requests by tapping the same smiley icon at the bottom bar.
  4. Tap the plus sign to add a viewer to the broadcast.
  5. Tap “x” on the top right of their avatar to remove a guest from the broadcast. 

If you want to reach more people for your broadcast, buy real Twitter followers via Famety.

How to End And Edit a Live Video on Twitter

You can end your live video anytime by tapping the “Stop” button at the top left of the screen. Confirm the action by tapping “Stop Broadcast” in the menu that comes up.

After the broadcast ends, you can edit your broadcast and see the stats. You can change the broadcast title, set a thumbnail image, and set a new starting point for your video. Click on “Save the Changes” when you finish your editing. It’s essential to note that you can only change the title of the broadcast three times, and it can take up to 15 minutes for your edits to appear on Twitter (X). If you experience some issues when you streaming, contact Twitter Support.

Using Twitter Media Studio Producer to Livestream

If you manage a Twitter account of an organization and have a Twitter ad account, you can launch professionally produced live broadcasts on Twitter using the advantages provided by Media Studio. Media Studio offers various customizable options to maximize your live streams.

twitter create

One of the major benefits of using Media Studio is that you can live stream with external encoding hardware, which is essential for professional content creators. Also, you can monetize your live videos on Twitter to drive revenue from your live stream. 

Conclusion on How to Go Live on Twitter

In this article, we covered the effectiveness of Twitter Live broadcast on reporting live events, explained how to go live on Twitter using the Twitter App on your phone or tablet, how you can invite and accept guest requests to your broadcast, and how to end and edit your live broadcasts. Also, we touched on the benefits of using Media Studio Producer to live stream videos if you manage an organization’s account. 

Frequently Asked Questions About

Yes, you can save your broadcast to your device’s camera roll at the end of the live video by clicking “Save to Camera Roll.”

You can share a live broadcast by tapping the share icon and then tapping “Share Live” (if the video is still live) to Tweet, message, or copy the video’s link. 

You can remove someone from watching and commenting on your video by blocking the account. To block an account, tap on their comment, go to their profile, and click the gear icon. Choose “Block User” from the menu. The account will not be able to participate in any way in your broadcast, and they will be blocked on Twitter and Periscope.

You can change the thumbnail, title, and the video’s starting point after the broadcast ended. Select the broadcast you would like to edit, tap on the overflow menu, and choose the “Edit Broadcast” option.  

Yes, you can comment and give hearts to show your support to a Twitter live stream on any mobile device or the web. You can also engage with other broadcast viewers by tapping on a comment to view their profile, respond to the comment, or block the account.

James Orublig

Posts: 391

Hi, my name is James but my friend calls me JamesTheNews since I always have the latest news about social media. Follow my blogs to learn every bit of trickery there is to social media.

1 Comments on How to Go Live on Twitter (X) ? (Full Guide)

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  1. Bennie

    There is something about going live on Twitter I can’t put into words. It’s the suspense that attracts me.