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Instagram Limits Guide

Instagram has implemented daily limits to ensure a safe and balanced experience for users while preventing spam or bot-like activity. These limits vary based on factors like account age and activity level. In this guide, we’ll cover Instagram’s daily limits for 2025, how they impact users, and tips for avoiding restrictions while staying compliant with the platform’s guidelines. Whether you’re a new user or a seasoned Instagrammer, understanding these limits is crucial for growing your presence effectively.

What Are Instagram Daily Limits?

Instagram’s daily limits are restrictions placed on certain actions to prevent abuse, spam, and misuse of the platform. These actions include liking, following, unfollowing, commenting, messaging, and posting. By setting these boundaries, Instagram maintains a positive user experience and protects the community from spammy behaviors.

Some of the most common actions limited include:

  • Liking posts: There’s a maximum number of likes you can give within a day.
  • Following accounts: Instagram restricts how many users you can follow daily.
  • Comments: Excessive commenting within a short timeframe can trigger limits.
  • Direct messages (DMs): Messaging too many users in a short span might result in temporary restrictions.

These limits depend on your account’s history, age, and activity patterns. While they may seem restrictive, they’re designed to encourage organic and meaningful interactions. The social network allows you to post up to 10 pictures in a single post.

Instagram Daily Limits in 2025

In 2025, Instagram’s daily limits have become stricter, reflecting the platform’s continued commitment to combating spam and automation. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Liking: Users can like up to 1,000 posts per day, spread over 24 hours. Rapidly liking posts in quick succession may trigger warnings or temporary blocks.
  2. Following: The limit for following is 200 accounts per day for most users. For newer accounts, this number may be lower.
  3. Comments: A user can post approximately 180-200 comments per day. Spamming repetitive or generic comments is discouraged.
  4. Direct Messages: Instagram allows 50-70 DMs daily, particularly when messaging people who don’t follow you back.
  5. Unfollowing: Similar to following, users can unfollow up to 150-200 accounts per day without facing restrictions.

These limits apply universally, but the specifics may vary based on your account’s history and engagement levels. There are some rules with which you can share on Instagram.

Know Your Limit on Instagram

How to Beat Instagram Limits

If you’re looking to maximize your Instagram engagement without hitting daily limits, here are some strategies:

Space Out Your Activities

Avoid performing actions like following, liking, or commenting in rapid succession. Spread them throughout the day to appear more natural.

Focus on Quality Over Quantity

Instead of trying to follow or like as many accounts as possible, engage meaningfully with fewer users. Genuine interactions lead to better engagement and growth.

Build Trust Gradually

If your account is new, take things slow. Focus on organic growth during the first few months, and avoid pushing Instagram’s boundaries too early.

Avoid Using Bots or Automation

Third-party tools that automate likes, comments, or follows can quickly get your account flagged or banned. Stick to manual interactions for long-term success.

Monitor Your Activity Regularly

Keep track of your daily actions to ensure you don’t exceed Instagram’s limits. If you receive warnings, pause your activity for 24 hours to avoid further penalties.

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By following these tips, you can grow your Instagram presence effectively without risking account suspension.

Frequently Asked Questions About

Exceeding Instagram’s daily limits can result in temporary restrictions, such as being unable to like, comment, or follow for 24-48 hours. Repeated violations may lead to account suspension.

Yes, Instagram adjusts limits based on factors like account age, activity level, and engagement history. New accounts often have stricter limits.

Instagram will notify you with a message like “Action Blocked” when you attempt to exceed a limit. Stop engaging temporarily to avoid further issues.

James Orublig

Posts: 391

Hi, my name is James but my friend calls me JamesTheNews since I always have the latest news about social media. Follow my blogs to learn every bit of trickery there is to social media.

26 Comments on Instagram Limits Guide

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  1. fix your info bud
    fix your info bud

    You cannot follow over 7500 people period, not in a day. You got some info wrong.

  2. Luke

    I just created a new Instagram account but I think I may have posted too many times in an hour and so now Instagram is deleting my posts seconds after I post. Do you know how long this would last or will it go away?


    • instafollowers

      It should resolve in a week or so. Please follow their guidelines. Contact them if it’s necessary.


    • Ryan

      Did you manage to fix it

  3. Aravind

    I juat unfollowedmany friends in instagram but suddenly i cannot like or follow other friends can help me with a solution or how can i contact instagram

  4. Jennifer

    If I post even 5 or 10 items per day, likes, comments, hashtags, whatever, I get banned for several days. And these are regular posts, not anything bad. It makes it very difficult to use Instagram

    • Gayan Perera
      Gayan Perera

      what is your profile age

  5. Aurel

    Is problem if i share my post in story and send story in DM to 20-30 persons?

  6. Laura.F

    Great information! Thank you for sharing!

  7. Vidhi Rastogi
    Vidhi Rastogi

    Hii…It’s Vidhi Rastogi…Your Article is very helpful for me….Good going…and congratulations for future….Stay Safe!!

  8. Moses

    Thanks for sharing.

    Please, as a new user, how can my comment to post be seen as spam?

    • Insta Followers
      Insta Followers

      Hi. It could be that Instagram may think your new account could be a bot account. That is why they thought of such a limit.

  9. BMA

    I have 5 instagram repost accounts. I was blocked after I counted 8 reposts in just over an hour. Had no clue, for Instagram does not have a repost limit listed in rules under search and when i type in the question. I see you mention 5 per hour. I reposted 4 in one hour and two hours later when I went to repost I was blocked again.

    My other accounts aren’t blocked. I even waited to repost on another account, but the other accounts have not been blocked. You receive no warning. Just no caption or hashtags after posting .

    Thank you. So is reposting limits by account. 100 a day and 3 an hour? I was shut down after posting 4 two hours later!

  10. Kaylie

    I have been limited to the amount of time reading posts on other accounts. Why is that?

  11. Danny

    I keep getting a message saying “try again we limit how often you can do certain things on Instagram to protect our community” but the only possible thing I might have done a lot was saving pictures (the bookmark feature on the right) about 100 within a day. Is this why? And how long will it take to resolve?

    • Gent

      Did you fix this?

  12. MARIE


  13. Lisa

    I get a try again later restrictions. Every other day. I’m not allowed to read Instagram posts for as long as I want I would be willing to pay for that service

  14. isaac

    how many unfollow we can ?

  15. Sheila

    I can no longer access saved items and I cannot save any items. It says ingress timed out! I ask for help daily and have never had a response

  16. Ek

    Is there a limit on how many of your own reels can you share in your story?
    I’ve shared 4/5 but the links don’t work from my story as they used to when I only shared one of my reels.

  17. Jenny

    I have an account for 5 years. I follow a popular celebrity and since 4 days ago, his posts no longer come up in my feed nor am I notified when he posts. I have checked and I am neither blocked nor restricted. I do get notification from other accounts, just not his. Likewise, I occasionally get notifications from accounts I have set up for no notifications. I am baffled. Any ideas?

  18. Kailan Peel
    Kailan Peel

    It’s nice to know the limits on Instagram. Especially the like limit.

  19. Vegas_Namida

    I have posted 2,000 images of bicycles, food, and family over several years. Can no longer post more images, is that the image limit? I tried to post 8 images from yesterdays bicycle ride and only one posted that brought total to 2000. Today I tried to post using phone apt and nothing posted. I tried to post one image from my Personal Computer and it did not post. I thought there was no posting limit, guess I am wrong.

  20. Deepu Goswami
    Deepu Goswami

    My Instagram id unblocked please Instagram team

  21. amy

    I can post – see others – I can like – but I cannot see my own page – says “couldn’t load posts” I’ve done all security stuff so not hacked…any ideas?